Source code for sbu.dataframe


A module which handles data parsing and DataFrame construction.

.. currentmodule:: sbu.dataframe
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: get_sbu
.. autofunction:: parse_accuse
.. autofunction:: get_date_range
.. autofunction:: construct_filename
.. autofunction:: _get_datetimeindex
.. autofunction:: _parse_date
.. autofunction:: _get_total_sbu_requested


import re
import datetime
from subprocess import check_output
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sbu.globvar import ACTIVE, PROJECT, SBU_REQUESTED

__all__ = [
    'get_date_range', 'construct_filename', 'get_sbu', 'parse_accuse'

[docs]def get_sbu( df: pd.DataFrame, project: str, start: Union[None, str, int] = None, end: Union[None, str, int] = None, ) -> None: """Acquire the SBU usage for each account in the :attr:`pandas.DataFrame.index`. The start and end of the reported interval can, optionally, be altered with **start** and **end**. Performs an inplace update of **df**, adding new columns to hold the SBU usage per month under the ``"Month'`` super-column. In addition, a single row and column is added (``"sum"``) with SBU usage summed over the entire interval and over all users, respectively. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A Pandas DataFrame with usernames and information, constructed by :func:`yaml_to_pandas`. :attr:`pandas.DataFrame.columns` and :attr:`pandas.DataFrame.index` should be instances of :class:`pandas.MultiIndex` and :class:`pandas.Index`, respectively. User accounts are expected to be stored in :attr:`pandas.DataFrame.index`. SBU usage (including the sum) is stored in the ``"Month"`` super-column. start : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional Optional: The starting year of the interval. Defaults to the current year if ``None``. end : :class:`str` or :class:`int`, optional Optional: The final year of the interval. Defaults to current year + 1 if ``None``. project : :class:`str`, optional Optional: The project code of the project of interest. If not ``None``, only SBUs expended under this project are considered. """ # Construct new columns in **df** sy, ey = get_date_range(start, end) date_range = _get_datetimeindex(sy, ey) for i in date_range: df[('Month', str(i)[:7])] = np.nan df_tmp = parse_accuse(project, sy, ey) df.update(df_tmp) # Calculate SBU sums SUM = ('Month', 'sum') df[SUM] = df['Month'].sum(axis=1) nan_template = {k: np.nan for k in df.columns} nan_template['info', 'active'] = False df.loc['sum'] = nan_template df.loc['sum', 'Month'] = df['Month'].sum(axis=0).values['sum', PROJECT] = 'sum'['sum', SBU_REQUESTED] = _get_total_sbu_requested(df) # Mark all active users df[ACTIVE] = False df.loc[df[SUM] > 1.0, ACTIVE] = True
DATE_PATTERN = re.compile("([0-9]+)-([0-9][0-9])-?([0-9][0-9])?")
[docs]def parse_accuse( project: str, start: Optional[str] = None, end: Optional[str] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Gather SBU usage of a specific user account. The bash command ``accuse`` is used for gathering SBU usage along an interval defined by **start** and **end**. Results are collected and returned in a Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- project : :class:`str` The project code of the project of interest. start : :class:`str` The starting date of the interval. Accepts dates formatted as YYYY, MM-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. end : :class:`str` The final date of the interval. Accepts dates formatted as YYYY, MM-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The SBU usage of **user** over a specified period. """ # Acquire SBU usage arg = ['accuse', '-a', project] if start is not None: arg += ["-s", start] if end is not None: arg += ["-e", end] usage = check_output(arg).decode('utf-8') usage_list = [] for i in usage.splitlines(): try: month, *fields = i.split() except ValueError: continue if DATE_PATTERN.fullmatch(month): usage_list.append((month, *fields)) df = pd.DataFrame(usage_list, columns=["Month", "Account", "User", "SBUs", "Restituted"]) df.set_index("User", inplace=True) df["SBUs"] = pd.to_timedelta(df["SBUs"]).astype("m8[s]") df["SBUs"] -= pd.to_timedelta(df["Restituted"]).astype("m8[s]") df["SBUs"] /= 60**2 # seconds to hours index = pd.Index(sorted(set(df.index)), name="username") columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ ["Month"], sorted(set(df["Month"]), key=lambda i: np.datetime64(i, "M")), ]) ret = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=index, columns=columns) for name, (sbu, month) in df[["SBUs", "Month"]].iterrows(): ret.loc[name, ("Month", month)] = sbu return ret
def _get_last_day_of_month(any_day: -> str: # The day 28 exists in every month. 4 days later, it's always next month next_month = any_day.replace(day=28) + datetime.timedelta(days=4) # subtracting the number of the current day brings us back one month ret = next_month - datetime.timedelta( return ret.strftime('%d')
[docs]def get_date_range(start: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, end: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Return a starting and ending date as two strings. Parameters ---------- start : :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional The starting year of the interval. Accepts dates formatted as YYYY, MM-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. Defaults to the current year if ``None``. end : :class:`str` or :class:`int`, optional The final year of the interval. Accepts dates formatted as YYYY, MM-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY. Defaults to the current year + 1 if ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` [:class:`str`, :class:`str`] A tuple with the start and end data, formatted as strings. Dates are formatted as DD-MM-YYYY. """ today = month = today.strftime('%m') year = today.strftime('%Y') last_day = _get_last_day_of_month(today) start = _parse_date(start, default_month='01', default_year=year) end = _parse_date(end, default_day=last_day, default_month=month, default_year=year) return start, end
[docs]def construct_filename(prefix: str, suffix: Optional[str] = '.csv') -> str: """Construct a filename containing the current date. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> filename = construct_filename('my_file', '.txt') >>> print(filename) 'my_file_31_May_2019.txt' Parameters ---------- prefix : :class:`str` A prefix for the to-be returned filename. The current date will be appended to this prefix. sufix : :class:`str`, optional An optional sufix of the to be returned filename. No sufix will be attached if ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`str` A filename consisting of **prefix**, the current date and **suffix**. """ today = suffix = suffix or '' return prefix + today.strftime('_%d_%b_%Y') + suffix
[docs]def _get_datetimeindex(start: str, end: str) -> pd.DatetimeIndex: """Create a Pandas DatetimeIndex from a start and end date. Parameters ---------- start : :class:`str` The start of the interval. Accepts dates formatted as DD-MM-YYYY. end : :class:`str` The end of the interval. Accepts dates formatted as DD-MM-YYYY. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex` A DatetimeIndex starting from **sy** and ending on **ey**. """ _, mm, yyyy = start.split('-') start_ = f'{yyyy}-{mm}-01' _, mm, yyyy = end.split('-') end_ = f'{yyyy}-{mm}-01' return pd.date_range(start_, end_, freq=pd.offsets.MonthBegin(), name='Month')
[docs]def _parse_date(input_date: Union[str, int, None], default_day: str = '01', default_month: str = '01', default_year: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Parse any dates supplied to :func:`.get_date_range`. Parameters ---------- input_date : :class:`str`, :class:`int` or ``None`` The to-be parsed date. Allowed types and values are: * ``None``: Defaults to the first day of the current year and month. * :class:`int`: A year (*e.g.* ``2019``). * :class:`str`: A date in YYYY, MM-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY format (*e.g.* ``"22-10-2018"``). default_month : :class:`str` The default month if a month is not provided in **input_date**. Expects a month in MM format. default_year : :class:`str`, optional Optional: The default year if a year is not provided in **input_date**. Expects a year in YYYY format. Defaults to the current year if ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`str` A string, constructed from **input_date**, representing a date in DD-MM-YYYY format. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if **input_date** is provided as string and contains more than 2 dashes. TypeError Raised if **input_date** is neither ``None``, a string nor an integer. """ if default_year is None: default_year ='%Y') if input_date is None: return f'{default_day}-{default_month}-{default_year}' elif isinstance(input_date, int): return f'01-01-{input_date}' elif isinstance(input_date, str): dash_count = input_date.count('-') if dash_count == 0: return f'{default_day}-{default_month}-{input_date}' elif dash_count == 1: return f'{default_day}-{input_date}' elif dash_count == 2: return input_date else: raise ValueError(f"'input_date': '{input_date}'") type_name = input_date.__class__.__name__ raise TypeError(f"The 'input_data' parameter is of invalid type: '{type_name}'")
[docs]def _get_total_sbu_requested(df: pd.DataFrame) -> float: """Return the total number of requested SBUs.""" slice_ = df[[SBU_REQUESTED, PROJECT]].iloc[:-1] slice_ = slice_.set_index(PROJECT, inplace=False) slice_ = slice_.loc[~slice_.index.duplicated(keep='first')] return slice_[SBU_REQUESTED].sum()